Family support conference: learning points, links and resources

A summary of our recent event, Whole Family Support: The Power of Prevention – Keeping the Promise for Children and Families Across Scotland   

On 15 May 2023, CCPS, alongside partners The Promise Scotland and Children in Scotland’s Supporting the Third Sector Project, ran a conference exploring how the third sector is innovating, making an impact and driving better outcomes for children and families in Scotland. 

Chaired by Pennie Taylor and supported by CCPS Children’s Committee organisations Children 1st, Action for Children Scotland, Aberlour and Barnardo’s Scotland, the joint event examined: 

  • How the third sector is leading transformational change in partnership
  • What that change looks like and how the Whole Family Wellbeing Fund can support it, and
  • How we can learn from this to achieve our shared goal of accessible whole family support across Scotland for families when they need it. 

On this page you’ll find a series of links to resources covering politics and practice explored at the event, alongside illustrations by Edinburgh College of Art students Rachel Collins, Ola Jackiewicz and Ruby Tait, who attended on the day to provide graphic recording.

Illustration: Rachel Collins 

Workshops: key learning points

Alongside our partner, Children in Scotland’s Supporting the Third Sector Project, our Children’s Committee member organisations Aberlour, Action for Children Scotland, Barnardo’s Scotland and Children 1st have captured highlights, questions and key learning from the workshops they ran at the conference.

Read a summary of the Supporting the Third Sector Project’s workshop (PDF)

Read a summary of Aberlour’s workshop (PDF) 

Read a summary of Action for Children Scotland’s workshop (PDF) 

Read a summary of Barnardo’s Scotland’s workshop (PDF) 

Read a summary of Children 1st’s workshop (PDF) 

Illustration: Ola Jackiewicz 

Family support case studies

We’ve published a series of case studies marking the impact and value of family support, provided by Aberlour, Action for Children Scotland, Barnardo’s Scotland and Children 1st.

Read the case studies

Commissioning & Procurement policy and resources 

CCPS runs a Commissioning and Procurement programme focused on national and local policy and practice change, an area that’s highly relevant to the family support agenda and which was discussed as part of the conference. We recently produced a Commissioning for Outcomes Guide, which explains what outcomes are, why they matter and what outcome-based commissioning means in principle and practice.

Commissioning and Procurement overview

Commissioning for Outcomes Guide (PDF download)

Event overview 

More information on our family support event held on 15 May 2023 


Illustration: Ruby Tait   

We are hiring

Come work for CCPS and help us shape a reformed social care sector embedded in rights and relationships. We have four exciting vacancies open for recruitment.

Come work for CCPS and help us shape a reformed social care sector embedded in rights and relationships. We have four exciting vacancies open for recruitment.

The Coalition of Care and Support Providers is at the heart of influencing Scotland’s radical social care reform agenda.  It’s a busy landscape right now, with great opportunities to make a tangible difference for more than a quarter of a million people supported every year by our membership of over 90 not-for-profit social care and support providers.

We want to see a social care sector in Scotland where individuals and families can genuinely realise their own aspirations, and thrive, through support which is rooted in human rights and meaningful relationships. And we want social care to be designed collaboratively, delivered locally and accessible equitably to everyone who needs it.

As an organisation, we want to live these values, with integrity, in how we work with each other, with our members and with our partners.

Sound interesting? Click on the link below for more information. Closing date is 9am, 5th June 2023

Policy and Projects Officers (4 vacancies available)

Social Care Pressures

The cost-of-living crisis is having a profoundly negative effect on social care providers in the third sector.

The cost-of-living crisis is having a profoundly negative effect on social care providers in the third sector. Our members are facing increasing bills and shortages in staffing, whilst they prepare for increasing demand. And they are facing all of this without uplifts to the funding they receive to deliver care and support.

CCPS is working with our 91 members to influence national decision-making so that third sector social care and support providers can deliver crucial and sustainable services for people across Scotland. With our members we have produced our winter manifesto: Urgent Action for Urgent Times and have shared this with the Scottish Government, CoSLA and the Scottish Parliament.  It builds on a survey we conducted with members this autumn to share in a briefing with the Scottish Parliament’s Health, Social Care and Sport Committee as they assessed national plans for the winter.  We are clear – the changes we are asking for are needed urgently.

As our work to increase sustainability in social care progresses, we will post more updates here.

Rachel Cackett

Chief Executive Officer

URGENT NEWS: CCPS leadership responds to Draft Budget 2023-24

CCPS members met to discuss the draft Scottish Budget on 19 December and expressed both disappointment and anger at the Scottish Government’s lack of recognition or appreciation of the crisis facing third sector social care and support providers. The CCPS Board and CEO have written a letter to the Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care requesting an urgent meeting before the Budget Bill is passed. We have highlighted the ongoing lack of parity and respect for our sector and questioned the national commitment to Fair Work. We note to the Scottish Government ministers that, “There simply will not be a sustainable third sector available to deliver your aspirations if you do not act quickly to deal with the issues we face right now”.

UPDATE 29 November 2022

Following announcement of improved offers to public sector colleagues, which have not been matched by any similar increases for third sector providers to support the principle of Fair Work, CCPS wrote to the Cabinet Secretary to ask for an urgent response to our winter manifesto – particularly around Fair Work. We also asked for clarity on which parts of the health and social care budget are funding the increased offer.

Our Work

Our mission is to identify, represent, promote and safeguard the interests of third sector and not-for-profit social care and support providers in Scotland, so that they can maximise the impact they have on meeting social need.

CCPS is the Coalition of Care and Support Providers in Scotland.

Our mission is to identify, represent, promote and safeguard the interests of third sector and not-for-profit social care and support providers in Scotland, so that they can maximise the impact they have on meeting social need.

We aim to provide solutions and thought leadership in policy for the social care sector. Our work is built with the expert voices of our active membership. We engage collaboratively with partners across sectors.

We currently run a number of Scottish Government funded workstreams to help us meet our mission:

Our Commissioning and Procurement Programme is actively building leadership, promoting new ideas and supporting change towards the all-important delivery of ethical commissioning and procurement in social care.  We work in active partnership with commissioners, providers and supported people.

Our Workforce Development Network supports third sector social care providers to contribute to national workforce agendas and works to underpin essential sustainability for the sector.  This includes influencing the national Fair Work agenda, the future of regulation and workforce planning.

Our Digital Programme provides support, information, learning and development opportunities to third sector providers in the digital arena, as well as running problem solving networks.  It is now heavily engaged in helping to shape digital opportunities through the National Care Service.

Our Children and Young People’s Programme gathers expertise from the sector to influence key areas of national work, such as the Whole Family Wellbeing Fund.

In addition, we work with our membership to influence the wider reform agenda through the National Care Service, we speak up for the sector around wider issues of sustainability during these difficult economic times, and we were a key player in ensuring the needs of the sector have been reflected in COVID planning.

CCPS also hosts the Criminal Justice Voluntary Sector Forum and the Housing Support Enabling Unit (in collaboration with the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations).


Rachel Cackett

Chief Executive Officer

National Care Service

The proposed establishment of a National Care Service is the most significant piece of public sector reform in Scotland since devolution and goes to the heart of what our CCPS members do every day.  Our most recent contributions to the debate on change can be found on this page.

The proposed establishment of a National Care Service is the most significant piece of public sector reform in Scotland since devolution and goes to the heart of what our CCPS members do every day.  Our most recent contributions to the debate on change can be found on this page.

Much of the current national focus of reform is on the National Care Service (Scotland) Bill, but the change we want to see goes far beyond this. CCPS’ vision for the reform of social care and support in Scotland is that: Individuals and families are enabled to realise their aspirations and thrive through a rights- and relationship-based integrated public care and support system that is designed collaboratively, delivered locally and accessible equitably to everyone who needs it.

CCPS has gathered together everything it has said over recent months and created a model for social care and support reform which will guide all of our work to influence and shape the future.  We hope that members, partners, the Scottish Government and MSPs will find this a helpful summary of our aspirations as the debates on a National Care Service continue.


A timeline on the National Care Service and CCPS responses – so far..

July 2023: CCPS publishes a response from CEO, Rachel Cackett, to the announcement made by The Scottish Government regarding the accountability agreement made with CoSLA and the NHS on the National care Service.

November 2022: CCPS publishes a discussion paper on potential amendments to the legislation. The paper makes clear that the Bill falls short of supporting delivery of our model of reform, but sets out some initial ideas for wider discussion on how it might be amended to get it closer to our aspirations.  CCPS has already begun holding meetings to discuss the paper and we will continue to do so over the start of 2023. Further comments welcomed @ccpscotland.

September 2022: CCPS submits evidence to the Scottish Goverment Health, Social Care and Sport Committee and the Finance Committee, setting out our initial position on the legislation, noting that we remain open to working collaboratively and constructively with the Scottish Government and partners on reform, but noting concerns with the direction set out in the Bill.

August 2022: The Fraser of Allander Institute, funded by CCPS, publishes a detailed briefing on the financial implications of the National Care Service Bill. We note that: “The Bill in its current form raises significant questions which remain to be answered about the affordability of a National Care Service and the investment required to sustain it in the long term.”

June 2022: The National Care Service (Scotland) Bill is introduced to the Scottish Parliament and CCPS provides initial comment, calling for “a system and structure for social care and support based on respect, partnership and collaboration”

November 2021: CCPS responds to the consultation on a National Care Service noting that “the ambition set out by the [Feeley Review] team is not wholly reflected in the proposals”.

August 2021: CCPS welcomes the launch of the Scottish Government consultation on a National Care Service.

February 2021: The Independent Review of Adult Social Care in Scotland (“The Feeley Review”) is published.  CCPS welcomes the Review and “its call for a renewed purpose for social care with human rights at its heart”. The Scottish Government accepts the findings of the Feeley Review

September 2020: The Scottish Government commissions former NHS Scotland CEO, Derek Feeley, to conduct an Independent Review of Adult Social Care in Scotland.  CCPS submits its response in November, setting out how we think the sector can be reset.


The Workforce Development Network (WDN) supports voluntary sector social services providers to contribute to the national workforce agenda with the ultimate aim of improving outcomes for people who use services.

The Workforce Development Network (WDN), through a grant from Scottish Government, supports voluntary sector social services providers to contribute to the national workforce agenda with the ultimate aim of improving outcomes for people who use services.

The WDN supports providers to:

  • build their capacity for workforce development and workforce engagement;
  • contribute to the development of workforce policy and practice;
  • contribute their expertise and experience to relevant advisory and working groups;

CCPS Workforce Development Priorities

The WDN has three priorities, which underlie all of its work:

  • The voluntary sector social service workforce is considered and treated as a key and equal partner in major policy and practice developments;
  • Voluntary sector evidence, expertise and providers’ perspectives influence the development of social services workforce policy;
  • Government and other stakeholders recognise the value of the sector’s workforce and ensure this is appropriately rewarded with particular reference to recruitment and retention issues.

The priorities compliment work being taken forward independently by CCPS in accordance with our workforce related strategic outcome: ‘The voluntary sector provider workforce is well qualified, competent and confident, with good pay and conditions’.

We look at issues related to:

  • Regulation
  • Support for the workforce with digital technology
  • Legislation, policy and practice developments
  • Workforce sustainability (recruitment, retention and workforce planning)

The main areas of focus for the second half of 2021 will be safer recruitment, digital skills and workforce planning.

We will also continue to support providers with workforce issues arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, both in terms of short-term response and long-term recovery.

For further information, contact our team:

  • Alison Christie –  Policy Programmes Lead (Workforce)
  • Kristy Lambert – Policy & Project Officer (Workforce)
  • Kyle Hylan-Corcoran – Policy & Project Officer (Workforce)

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The Commissioning and Procurement Programme

The Commissioning and Procurement programme is a programme of local and national policy and practice change hosted by CCPS.

The Commissioning and Procurement Programme is fully funded by Scottish Government and aims to provide cross -sectoral support to organisations and people looking to improve how social care is commissioned and procured.

The Commissioning and Procurement Programme provides support to those leading change in local authority commissioning and procurement roles, third sector support providers and supported people by running a programme of events, collaborative change projects, provider representation, sharing good practice examples of commissioning and procurement practice and by working to influence Scottish Government on social care policy.

Read more on:-

Contact us: email Catherine Garrod

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The CCPS Digital Programme

Providing support, information, learning and development opportunities.

The CCPS Digital programme is funded by the Technology Enabled Care (TEC) Digital Social Care programme of the Scottish Government to support third sector providers of social care by providing support, information, learning and development opportunities.

The CCPS Digital Programme will also contribute to policy and legislative consultations arising from the development of the National Care Service in relation to digital and data.

The programme’s main activities include:

  • Creating opportunities for networking and collaboration between Third Sector care and support providers, statutory sector partners and others working within the technology sector
  • Facilitating small group problem solving networks to bring providers together to work through shared challenges on identified issues
  • Representation and policy influencing to strengthen the voice of Third Sector providers in the development of national policy and implementation
  • Gathering and sharing evidence and learning to explore the capacity for shared digital system solutions across the sector and gathering examples of good practice, learning and the impact of policies on Third Sector providers
  • Information and support to share sector learning and give providers the information, knowledge, and contacts to develop and adopt digital practice

These activities currently focus on four themes that correspond to priorities set out in the Scottish Government’s Digital Health and Care Strategy:

  • Digital services: developing a better understanding of the role of digital in the context of care and support commissioning (including service design) and procurement
  • Digital foundations: supporting digital maturity among our members, including cyber resilience;
  • Digital skills and leadership: supporting a digitally skilled care and support workforce;
  • Data-driven services and insights: encouraging better use of data, data sharing, and citizen access to data;

Contact us

Why Digital?

Why Digital?  See our co-produced animation illustrating our ambitions for an integrated and digitally enhanced world of health and care services and support could mean for citizens and people who need support.