The Housing Support Enabling Unit
The aim of the Unit is to offer support and assistance to providers of housing support in the voluntary, private and Registered Social Landlord sectors.
5 November 2024COSLA is currently reviewing their guidance for charging for non-residential social care.
24 September 2024Statistics published show that the provision of housing support has not improved for people experiencing homelessness in Scotland.
24 July 2024The Supported Housing Task and Finish Group, appointed by Scottish Government and COSLA, publishes its final report today setting out the future role of supported housing in Scotland.
28 June 2024The Housing Support Enabling Unit has responded to the Consultation on the Review of the National Outcomes welcoming the new proposed housing outcome.
4 April 2024The Unit responded to the joint Call for Views from the Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee and the Social Justice and Social Security Committee
19 February 2024HSEU has published a new briefing looking at the role of housing support workers in Scotland and the need to ensure significant recognition for the role.
30 November 2023The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations and the HSEU have hosted a webinar on the complex funding arrangements of preventative housing support. Discussion focused on the impact of the current funding system and how to further support independent living and the prevention of homelessness
12 September 2023HSEU is supporting Scottish Housing Day 2023, with resources to learn more about careers in Housing Support.
11 May 2023The Economic and Social Benefits of Housing Support: Housing Support brings preventative public savings alongside strong economic and social benefits.
Better Futures
Better Futures is an outcomes-monitoring tool used by housing support providers throughout Scotland. Its unique scoring system enables support workers to create individually tailored support plans, and to update and track progress over time.