Recognising the true value of social care and support in Scotland
CCPS Priorities: Spring 2024 – Autumn 2025
Our vision
Our vision is for people and communities to thrive with the support of a rights-based, sustainable system of social care and support.
Our aim
As a membership organisation, we aim to work collectively to make sure not-for-profit social care providers have the right landscape to deliver the best possible support for people and communities.
To meet this aim we need decision-makers to recognise the true value of social care and support in Scotland.
Our vision is for people and communities to thrive with the support of a right-based, sustainable system of social care and support
Our priorities and intents
Secure sustainable, equitable investment for not-for-profit providers of social care and support
- Influence national actions that finally deliver Fair Work for our sector.
- Share proposals for better, fairer public service funding for not-for-profit providers.
- Provide robust intelligence to support sustainable decision-making for social care and support.
Ensure the reform of social care and support realises people’s human rights
- Offer thought leadership on the future of effective rights-based care and support.
- Develop solutions for legislative change that will effectively realise people’s rights.
Advocate for the expertise of not-for-profit providers in shared planning and decision-making
- Work to get not-for-profit providers embedded as genuine system partners
- Support politicians with the information they need to make good decisions about social care and support.
Demonstrate the positive impact of valuing social care on lives and communities
- Share compelling stories of the transformative influence of well-resourced social care and support.
- Promote the importance of family support investment in improving lives.
Our values
CCPS puts fairness and integrity at the centre of everything we do. To this end, we always strive to be:
Focusing on finding solutions; bringing innovation into our work.
Working in partnership; offering our ideas and listening to others.
Building our work on sound intelligence; valuing member experience.
Speaking up for good without fear or favour; using our collective strength.
Respecting our members, staff and stakeholders; relating with generosity.