We are committed to amplifying the voice of social care and support providers in Scotland. Since early 2023 our focus has shifted to campaigning on Fair Work on behalf of our members. This page contains information about current and previous campaigns.

Rethink To 13
Our Rethink To 13 campaign, which ran from early December 2023 to the end of February 2024, called on the Scottish Government to rethink commitments on pay for social care staff in its 2024-25 Budget.
In the run-up to the final debate and passing of the Budget, the campaign urged government to increase pay to at least £13 per hour for all social care staff as part of a published timetable to achieve Fair Work.
The voices of support staff were at the core of the campaign. Their views were shared through videos, stories and blogs focusing on the work they do, the impact they make – and the difference investment would have on them and the people they can read here.
Following the passing of the 2024-25 Budget, CCPS’s CEO Rachel Cackett issued a short statement in response, which4 Steps to Fair Work
4 Steps to Fair Work was a CCPS campaign that ran from June to October 2023. It aimed to ensure that social care and support workers began to be properly rewarded, and that the people they supported received the support they needed at the right times and in the right places.
The campaign gained support from multiple CCPS member organisations and external groups including parliamentarians, unpaid carers and faith leaders across Scotland. It will inform our next phase of influencing work through the winter of 2023-24.
Read more about the campaign here
If you have a question about the campaign, contact our comms team.