C&P: Outcomes Based Contracts
The Independent Review of Adult Social Care recommended that commissioning and procurement of social care needs to move away from contracting through price based competitive tenders to commissioning for outcomes.
Social care contracts will need to change to become focussed on outcomes for individuals and not ‘time and task’
The Independent Review of Adult Social Care recommended that commissioning and procurement of social care needs to move away from contracting through price based competitive tenders to commissioning for outcomes.
Social care contracts will need to change to become focussed on outcomes for individuals and not ‘time and task’. Contracts for social care will be more individualised and bespoke to enable support to meet the person’s outcomes and needs. Ethical procurement of social care will be based on more collaborative approaches to contracting and involve families and supported people and providers in the process.
CCPS has been working with MacRoberts law firm to develop a Model Outcomes Based Template Contract. The contract is a 3 way contract between the local authority, the supported person and the support provider. The contract can be used and adapted by local authorities when contracting for social care support services in their local area.
- Resource: Model Template Outcomes Based Contract (for Option 3 of SDS)
- Resource: Terms and Conditions for Model Template Outcomes Based Contract