Better Futures Annual Event Series

Better Futures annual events, November 2022: A series of online events taking place between 1st and 10th November

Better Futures is an outcomes-monitoring tool used by housing support providers throughout Scotland.   Its unique scoring system enables support workers to create individually tailored support plans, and to update and track progress over time.  As well as its usefulness as an outcomes-monitoring tool for supported people individually, the information gathered can be aggregated and reported, enabling services and providers to understand and articulate the impacts and outcomes of the services they provide.

This year’s event consists of four individual online sessions examining different themes with a common thread – ways in which Better Futures contributes and can help.


Session 1: Tuesday 1st November 10.30am – 12.00pm

The opening session considers Better Futures, Regulation and the Scottish Government’s Data Strategy.  It will open with presentations to winners of the annual ‘No Place Like Home’ photography competition, which celebrates the achievements and experiences of people who use housing support services in Scotland. The session will then move on to a presentation from the Care Inspectorate focusing on how services can demonstrate quality in line with regulatory requirements, before the Scottish Government will take the lead in setting out ways in which digital systems can contribute to a new national data strategy for health and social care.


Session 2: Thursday 3rd November 10.30am – 12.00pm

The second session in the event series will take the form of a demonstration of the Better Futures system, led by Fraser White from the Housing Support Enabling Unit, supported by Alexander Rae, an experienced Better Futures user from South Ayrshire Council.   The demonstration is designed not only to showcase the system to potential new users, but also to enable existing users to gain insights into other providers’ utilisation of the tools it offers for supporting people and articulating impacts and outcomes.


Session 3: Wednesday 9th November 10.00m – 11.30am

DigiFest 2022 is a Scottish Digital Health and Care Ecosystem learning event delivered by the Scottish Government’s Digital Health and Care Directorate, its steering group partners and the European Connected Health Alliance.  The third Better Futures event session in the series is a DigiFest satellite session focused on harnessing digital technology to tackle homelessness, and will be delivered by Simon Scotland and the Housing Support Enabling Unit. The session will focus on how online recording systems can support collaborative working and help to achieve positive housing, health and social care outcomes for people facing homelessness.  It will include examples that demonstrate how Better Futures supports collaborative working, information sharing and outcomes demonstration, as well as reducing paperwork and duplication, and generally supporting people who are facing homelessness.


Session 4: Thursday 10th November 10.30am – 12.00pm

The concluding session in the annual event series is concerned with Commissioning for Outcomes.  The Independent Review of Adult Social Care recommended that commissioning and procurement of social care needs to move away from contracting through price based competitive tenders to commissioning for outcomes. Social care contracts will need to change to become focused on outcomes for individuals and not ‘time and task’. Contracts for social care will need to be more individualised and bespoke to enable support to meet the person’s outcomes and needs. Ethical procurement of social care will be based on more collaborative approaches to contracting and involve families and supported people and providers in the process.   Neil McKechnie will update attendees on CCPS’s work in taking this forward and is keen to gain input and feedback from sector colleagues.

How to join us:

Book your place at sessions 1, 2 and/or 4

Book your place at session 3 (DigiFest)

For more information about the event as a whole or any of the individual sessions, please email