Digital: Information and Resources

CCPS members did a remarkable job of swiftly integrating digital and technology-based solutions to maintain care and support in Scotland during the Covid pandemic. 

CCPS Resources

CCPS Digital: Care and Support Innovation through Covid-19
We produced a series of videos and podcasts, in partnership with members, to share experience and advice about what worked well or not, and some of the unexpected benefits for staff and supported people.  The links below take you to stories and information in our three key themes.

Digital innovations continue across the sector and we want to help tell your story – please get in touch!

Our three themes:

  • Workforce wellbeing
  • Digital service transformation
  • Collaborative solutions

Scottish Government Resources

Scottish Government’s Digital Health and Care Directorate – key responsibilities are:

  • leading on policy and strategy, informed by the latest innovations, research, evaluation, and engagement
  • Transforming services through the implementation and spread of digital services and technology
  • Providing expertise on information governance, assurance and cyber security.

Digital Health and Care Strategy – this is a refreshed strategy (October 2021) setting out how Scotland will work together to improve the care and wellbeing of people in Scotland by making best use of digital technologies in the design and delivery of services, in a way, place and time that works best for them.

The Scottish Government Technology Enabled Care (TEC) Programme – The programme focuses on citizen facing digital solutions where “outcomes for individuals in home or community settings are improved through the application of technology as an integral part of quality, cost effective care and support to look after more people at home”

Cyber Resilience – Scottish Government Cyber Resilient Strategy: Cyber Resilient Scotland: strategic framework. Updated in February 2021, this framework sets out the Scottish Government’s vision of what we need to do collectively to make Scotland a digitally secure and digitally resilient nation.

Cyber Scotland – The Cyber Scotland Partnership is a collaborative leadership approach to focus efforts on improving cyber resilience across Scotland and includes the Scottish Government’s key strategic stakeholders in a formal partnership arrangement to drive the delivery of activities that will achieve the outcomes of The Strategic Framework for a Cyber Resilient Scotland: the site includes up to the minute information about current cyber threats, advice and guidance, incident response resources and reporting, and skills.

Scottish Government Third Sector Cyber Unit – The Unit has supported a number of cyber catalyst working groups, including one for the third sector. Its membership is here: Cyber catalyst working groups: list and information about its goals and activities is here. The most recent report of its activities is here. In terms of recent outputs, it has produced a very helpful outline of the steps an organisation can take to strengthen its cyber resilience: Third-Sector-Cyber-Resilience-Journey-1.pdf

The Scottish Business Resilience Centre – its goal is to support Scottish organisations to have the skills and knowledge to protect themselves against online attacks, through delivery of education and preventative training, as well as actively raising awareness of threats throughout the business community. They have resources on incident response including the excellent Exercise in a Box, a training tool to help organisations consider and plan for incidents – as well as a recently developed incident response planning pack

National Centre for Cyber Security (NCSC) – The UK Government’s cyber security centre, containing information, advice and guidance on current threats, preventive tools and strategies, and incident response

SCVO – helping people and organisations in Scotland develop their digital potential, including events and training, how to guides for digital services and remote working, digital inclusion and skills, including Microsoft training, digital maturity check-up and senior leaders programme

Digital Office – Scottish Local Government – jointly funded by 30 local authorities, it was set up to deliver on the digital transformation strategy for local government agreed in 2016.