Workforce: Benchmarking the Voluntary Sector Workforce

A workforce resource in partnership with the HR Voluntary Sector Forum

2021 Benchmarking Report for CCPS and the HR Voluntary Sector Forum - Executive Summary

Click to download the Executive Summary Report

The annual workforce benchmarking survey, a partnership between CCPS, the HR Voluntary Sector Forum and the University of Strathclyde, has been an invaluable source of voluntary sector data for over ten years and the findings used by the sector to influence national decision making.

The survey is designed to identify workforce trends and issues and generate data on a broad range of critical staffing issues across the sector.

The information collated has enabled CCPS to work in collaboration with the participants to identify and evidence issues of opportunity and challenge and ensure that these are given a focus at national level.

The 2021/ 22 Executive Summary provides information on the workforce issues listed:

  • Workforce profile
  • Working time and flexibility
  • Pay and conditions
  • Recruitment and selection
  • Employee participation and involvement
  • Training and skills
  • Discipline and grievance
  • Equality and diversity