5 November 2024
HSEU News: What impact does the current non-residential charging regime have on the people you support and your services?
COSLA is currently reviewing their guidance for charging for non-residential social care.

Although the Scottish Government previously committed to abolishing charges within the term of this parliament, it is now less clear how this will happen. In the recent Programme for Government, the Scottish Government has committed to ‘continue to work with COSLA to identify options for the removal of non-residential care charges as part of wider work with partners on social care improvement’.
The Scottish Government is interested in hearing more about the impact charging has on supported people and on organisations providing care and support in response to concerns raised recently. Now that personal care is free across all age groups, where charges are applied it is more likely they relate to housing support services.
It is down to each local authority / HSCP to decide their own policies on charging in accordance with guidance produced every year by COSLA. That guidance is currently being reviewed for 2025/26 and there is an opportunity to put forward changes. An issue that has already been raised with the COSLA charging working group is the scope to dissuade authorities from insisting that their providers collect charges for care and support or at the very least agree rules about recovering the shortfall when supported people are unable to pay the charges. Please do get in touch with the Unit if you have further suggestions about changes to the current COSLA charging guidance.
If you would be interested in submitting a case study example about the currently charging regime or in suggesting changes to the COSLA charging guidance please contact Yvette Burgess at yvette.burgess@ccpscotland.org