We are the voice of not-for-profit social care providers in Scotland
Our vision is for individuals and families to thrive through a rights and relationship-based integrated public care and support system
“We won’t give up in our Fair Work calls”
Comment: Rachel Cackett responds to the passing of the 2024-25 Budget and its implications for not for profit social care providers
Is the social care and support commissioning system ‘out of whack’?
Our new publication features eight interviews with sector leaders exploring ethical commissioning and procurement now

Our Workforce policy programme
We support not-for-profit social care providers to contribute to national workforce agendas and sector sustainability. This includes a current focus on influencing the national Fair Work agenda and workforce planning. We cover issues related to regulation; support for the workforce with digital technology; legislation, policy and practice developments; and workforce sustainability (recruitment, retention and workforce planning). Illustration: Ruby Tait

Our Commissioning & Procurement policy programme
We aim to provide cross-sectoral support to organisations and people looking to improve how social care is commissioned and procured. In partnership with commissioners, providers and supported people, we build leadership, promote new ideas and support vital progress on ethical commissioning and procurement. Illustration: Ruby Tait

The Criminal Justice Voluntary Sector Forum (CJVSF)
Hosted by CCPS, the Criminal Justice Voluntary Sector Forum is a collaboration of voluntary sector organisations working in criminal justice in Scotland. CJVSF’s aims include supporting voluntary sector providers to continuously improve their own criminal justice services through collaboration and sharing of good practice. Picture: Community Justice Scotland

The Housing Support Enabling Unit (HSEU)
Jointly hosted by CCPS and the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations, the Unit offers assistance to providers of housing support in the voluntary, private and Registered Social Landlord sectors. It does this by disseminating information; providing a central point for enquiries; organising events; identifying issues of common concern; and influencing policy change.
Our Digital policy programme
We provide support, information, learning and development opportunities to not-for-profit social care organisations, and contribute to relevant dialogue and policymaking on digital and data.
Ways to get involved
Our current campaign calls on the government to rethink its budget and pay social care staff £13p/h minimum from April.
Add your voice to our work and become part of an advocacy organisation committed to influencing on your behalf.
We provide comment and insight on issues facing not-for-profit social care providers at a national level.