Social Care Pressures
The cost-of-living crisis is having a profoundly negative effect on social care providers in the third sector.
The cost-of-living crisis is having a profoundly negative effect on social care providers in the third sector. Our members are facing increasing bills and shortages in staffing, whilst they prepare for increasing demand. And they are facing all of this without uplifts to the funding they receive to deliver care and support.
CCPS is working with our 91 members to influence national decision-making so that third sector social care and support providers can deliver crucial and sustainable services for people across Scotland. With our members we have produced our winter manifesto: Urgent Action for Urgent Times and have shared this with the Scottish Government, CoSLA and the Scottish Parliament. It builds on a survey we conducted with members this autumn to share in a briefing with the Scottish Parliament’s Health, Social Care and Sport Committee as they assessed national plans for the winter. We are clear – the changes we are asking for are needed urgently.
As our work to increase sustainability in social care progresses, we will post more updates here.
Rachel Cackett
Chief Executive Officer
URGENT NEWS: CCPS leadership responds to Draft Budget 2023-24
CCPS members met to discuss the draft Scottish Budget on 19 December and expressed both disappointment and anger at the Scottish Government’s lack of recognition or appreciation of the crisis facing third sector social care and support providers. The CCPS Board and CEO have written a letter to the Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care requesting an urgent meeting before the Budget Bill is passed. We have highlighted the ongoing lack of parity and respect for our sector and questioned the national commitment to Fair Work. We note to the Scottish Government ministers that, “There simply will not be a sustainable third sector available to deliver your aspirations if you do not act quickly to deal with the issues we face right now”.
UPDATE 29 November 2022
Following announcement of improved offers to public sector colleagues, which have not been matched by any similar increases for third sector providers to support the principle of Fair Work, CCPS wrote to the Cabinet Secretary to ask for an urgent response to our winter manifesto – particularly around Fair Work. We also asked for clarity on which parts of the health and social care budget are funding the increased offer.