Membership Benefits
The more members CCPS has, the more influence it can wield with the key policy and decision makers. By joining CCPS:
- you will gain – by becoming part of a representative body committed to lobbying on your behalf
- CCPS will gain – from your experience, perspective and voice.
This page provides information about the benefits of membership and how to join.
How To Join
The CCPS membership year commences in April. New members wishing to join part-way through the year are very welcome and subscriptions are charged on a half-year basis as appropriate. Please contact Gordon Kilgour, our Events & Membership Admin Officer, to obtain an application form with details of current membership subscription rates.
Is membership appropriate for your organisation?
The work of CCPS and the issues with which it is chiefly concerned are relevant to third sector organisations which:
- provide social care and support services in Scotland;
- work with individuals and families who have been assessed as requiring care and support by a local authority social work department or other public body;
- receive public funding through contracts, service level agreements or other formal arrangements with a local authority or other statutory body.
Membership subscriptions
Membership is available to all third sector organisations providing social care services in Scotland.
CCPS is a self-financing coalition. All core staff and running costs are met from membership subscriptions.
Whilst CCPS may seek supplementary funding from external sources in relation to specific pieces of work, the core operating costs will continue to be funded solely by members, ensuring the coalition’s independence and members’ ownership of its activities.
Please contact Gordon Kilgour for details of current membership subscription rates.
Membership is available to all third sector organisations providing social care services in Scotland.
Membership benefits
Members are entitled to:
- Attendance at quarterly membership meetings and the AGM, and access to all associated agenda, papers and minutes
- An equal voice and vote on membership meetings and at the AGM
- Right to nominate and elect Office Bearers and Board members, and to stand for office or membership of the Board
- Copies of all CCPS publications, policy papers and briefings
- Invitations to participate in surveys and other research activities, and copies of all findings
- Invitations to feed into collective consultation exercises
- Invitations to join CCPS delegations to Scottish Government, COSLA, regulatory bodies, etc
- Invitations to participate in all free CCPS members-only events, working groups and seminars
- Advance notice of, and the opportunity to shape, all other CCPS events
- Access to CCPS staff for specific information inquiries.